FAQ What You Want To Know

If you were to ask us some of the top things we strive for and pride ourselves in here at Bounce, it would be transparency, inclusivity and education.

Transparency of our beliefs, our pricing structure and our hearts is on the forefront of our minds. When we make a statement, or discuss something we believe, we stand behind it and communicate all the reasons behind our salon.

Inclusivity and diversity within our salon has never been a question, and we will always make sure that every person, stylist, team member and client that walks into our doors feels seen, heard and safe.

Education has always been at the heart of our salon; we aren’t gatekeepers of the information as to how you, our client, can recreate the magic we do here as far as styling your hair (ok, ok, we can’t REALLY teach you how to colour your hair on your own, but we do share all the tricks, tips and information on creating the styling and look that we give you here.

Keeping these three things in mind, here’s our top three frequently asked questions that we get!

How Can I Tip My Stylist If You’re Gratuity Free?

We know, we know, you’ve likely grown accustomed and been taught that tipping after receiving certain services and treatment is customary. And maybe even that it’s rude not to leave one!
The history of tipping is a doozy and to be frank, actually rooted in racism. I won’t get into it here but you can also read more here:

Now, we are a gratuity free salon. What is that? It means that our team, who can choose and change their hourly rate with complete freedom, are earning a living wage and do not need to rely on tips to supplement their life. Although we are a gratuity free salon, if you WANT to, you can but please know it’s 100% not expected or required, but of course will always be 100% appreciated. Just know that we cannot accept tips through our debit/credit system and we don’t keep change on hand. In the event that you insist, speak with your stylist at your appointment as to how you can do so. Just remember, they value you and the fact you’re booking appointments and sitting in their chair, not what you might tip.

How Do I Buy The Products My Stylist Used?
The salon itself does not sell retail, however we have a few avenues that you can find and purchase the beloved product your stylist used. Ask them while you’re in for your appointment how you can get the product- or if you forget (don’t worry, that happens!) you can either text the salon or contact your stylist directly. We have affiliate links to many of the products we use- which means you can order from the comfort of your PJs and have it shipped right to your door!

How Do I Book An Appointment?
Our primary form of communication is via text, with online request forms and emails also being utilized. We no longer have a reception team, and we put strong emphasis on respecting our teams personal time when they are not in the salon. For these reasons, we want you to know that it can be up to three business days for a response.

Our guests can book online themselves, through our booking system, as long as they know the amount of time needed to book for what they’re looking to have done. For more information about booking yourself an appointment click the link below

And of course, if you’re not sure,
you can always text us at


Meet Lexi


How To Book Your Appointment